The European Union: Its Development and Inner Constitution, its Power Agenda, its Crisis and our Opportunity for Change. weiterlesen
A Slight Edge as a Contract
31,026 votes made the difference. Alexander Van der Bellen is the next federal president. weiterlesen
The New Law: Only Thoughts Are Still Free
This week, parliament passes a dramatic constriction of the freedom of expression. However, since there is hardly a liberal-thinking person in this land, the deplorable hate speech paragraph and its most recent intensification are not even being discussed. Of all the deep thinkers in the Republic, apparently only the head of the auditor general’s office, Franz Fiedler, understands what this is about and dares to speak against it. Freedom of expression was already in trouble before this amendment to criminal law. And it is more than significant, to say nothing of ironic that this amendment is passed in the same week in which this parliament brutally shut off the once so loudly proclaimed introduction of direct democracy.